
Core Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards

Nonprofit boards are the guardians of the organization’s mission. They provide insight, foresight and oversight. Picture them in the crow’s nest looking out to locate stormy clouds (or rainbows) to chase, or to wait for. The vast majority of board members for charitable organizations work on a volunteer basis without any compensation.

The primary goal of a board of directors for a non-profit organization is to formulate and enforce the policies of an organization that govern its activities. These may include governance and financial management ethical and legal guidelines and strategic planning. The board must supervise the executive director and ensure that the non-profit has the resources it needs to promote its cause.

The board must represent an organization before its donors, the community, and other parties. It is often necessary to advocate for its cause in the public or political arenas. The board should also help the nonprofit develop a business model that can be long-term and sustainable.

To help the board achieve the goals it is required to be a mixture of talents and experience. To locate them, many nonprofits seek out candidates who have a wide range of backgrounds and industries. They are usually well-connected to the cause of the organization, and they have the capacity and desire to help drive organizational growth and change.

Knowing the primary responsibilities of nonprofit board members is essential. This will help them avoid mistakes and misinterpretations which could damage the reputation of the organization, or lead to costly lawsuits.